Three Ways To Take Action On Our Third Anniversary

The solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.


Sign our petition demanding that Mayor Bowser join the national Mayors for a Guaranteed Income coalition. 

By joining MGI, Mayor Bowser would endorse the idea of exploring and moving toward a guaranteed income for low-income District of Columbia residents.

As an individual, you can view and sign the petition here. If your organization wants to sign on please contact us by email at


Take part in our Guaranteed Income Storytelling Project.

If you have a story to tell about how Guaranteed Income could help with economic barriers in your life, consider sharing it with us. We have kicked off our storytelling project as part of one of our DCGIC storytelling cohorts such as DC Women and Guaranteed Income series.

Reach out to for more info and to get


Support the expansion to the District’s local Child Tax Credit and
pass the Financial Support for Families with Children Act by
signing our letter.

The expansion of the 2024 District Child Tax Credit (DCTC) law will deliver a refundable credit of up to $500 per child for up to three children under the age of 17 to low -and moderate-income DC families. The companion Financial
Support for Families with Children legislation is targeted to low-income residents with an additional $500 per child. 

Together, they could cut child poverty in the District by more than 10%, based on PolicyEngine analyses. Sign our petition letter in support of these bills at

For more information 

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