DC Guaranteed Income Coalition 2023-24 Platform: 1. Pass the DCTC and FSFC

1. Pass the District Child Tax Credit and Financial Support for Families with Children, introduced by Councilmember Parker with additional co-sponsors, with funding for outreach

Both the DCTC and FSFC bills would provide refundable tax credits to low and/or moderate income families with
children, with the FSFC providing a larger credit that is more targeted to extremely low income households. According
to analyses commissioned by Mother’s Outreach Network, each bill on its own would cost about $27 million and reduce
child poverty by about 5%. Together, they would cut child poverty in the District by roughly 10%.

Both bills were referred to the Committee on Business and Economic Development in March, and the DCTC received a hearing in January of 2024. We call on the DC Council to pass CM Parker’s DCTC and FSFC bills, and to amend the two bills to include funding for outreach to eligible families. For more information about the DCTC, visit bit.ly/DCTCToolkit.