DC Guaranteed Income Coalition 2023-24 Platform: 3. Invest in multiple guaranteed income pilots targeting specific populations

3. Invest in multiple guaranteed income pilots targeting specific populations

Though it has already been well established that guaranteed income has enormous benefits for low-income individuals
and families, more research is needed to understand its particular impacts on specific populations. Specific outcomes
of interest include the impact on violent crime, children’s educational outcomes, and families involved in the child
welfare system.

We call on the DC Council to invest $13.5 million to fund rigorously evaluated guaranteed income programs–
providing cash to 750 households for 3 years at $500 a month–operated by 5 to 10 participating organizations serving
populations that face diverse social and economic circumstances. Additionally, we seek a Hold Harmless Fund of
$6.75 million
–enough to provide $250 per month to 750 households for 3 years–to support pilot participants whose
other benefits may be reduced or lost because of this income.